Are you one of those people to think there wasn’t a person left on the face of the planet who still didn’t have a Facebook page?
Well if you did up until about the end of last week, I would have been that mysterious person you only heard about in stories
See I’ve never had or even cared to have a Facebook page; damn near prided myself in it.
This coming from a woman who grew up in the new age of “Social Networks” with a handful of true and dear friends until this day to show for it.
The interest first peeked with Yahoo Chats and Clubs; the excitement of logging into a place of people with similar interests as you was a direct tap into a cyberchase to watch, mimic and reinvent yourself. Actually the best draw of this magical place with the act of reinvention, which people did to the point of ALWAYS! *smile* a gambit of this type of rush was only fulfilled with 3hrs of exciting,passionate and mind absorbing chat habit I carried around for 3yrs and don’t tell anyone but I’m sure it was on somebody’s company time.
The saga continues…
Black Planet * THE HOLY GRAIL* of them all – as a young African American searching for a particular type of community to be apart of - hip, creative,business minded and fun as hell individuals most of my adventures in my early 20’s were fueled by this vice - I was hooked; cyber and real life experiences were pretty much intertwined from there on. Migente and Asian Avenue soon followed (yeah, I did them all OKAY!)
With cyber groups growing to be individuals who met to experience there cyber commonalties, and emailed relations away from the computer, people were met and bonds were made. THE INTERNET FLIPPIN ROCKS!!!
MySpace took no time ushering in the custom way to do all this and MORE under their umbrella; that’s cool I’m wit it! Actually I took no time customizing my profile with the art, music and feel of “me”, getting down right homey and to business; and having a connection to more people than I thought possible (everyone who has my email address right?) Wasn’t so bad either. So I got it made, master or my domain. Photos of every event, moment or family experience I wanted to share. Heck I even had two pages (one for personal and another for promotions) – This was fly and all I would ever need.
Wait, now wait I’m not done with MySpace yet and…
Oh, oh no I'm not there but I'll give you permission to my MS page
Ahh you dont log on anymore *laughing* explains where most of my frineds went
Who me? Nah I don’t have a FB.
{Hmm, I’m not ready to mix my friends and work relationships, ahhhh old school friends vs. Current running partners not goin’ work Introducing my family to EVERYONE ELSE IN MY WORLD…. OH HECK NO!}
*Also make note by this time convinced it’s a government census to be spyware you and everyone you know*
Until the point of no return, I peeked and just simply had no interest in FB, its requests or lures.
I had done it all before it was simply the upgrade the next 5.something and the LIVING LIFE aspect is a lot more appealing to me.
Fast Forward to my awkwardly boastful detachment to “The Collective” as I jokingly refer to it –
Back to life and all my personal endeavors appear to be flourishing before me personally and business wise but there is a block I cant get quite pass -
TWITTER::FB APPS::Social Networking at it's finest is now the very tools I need to move foward. The monster under the bed I was desperately seeking to escape, is now to become my everyday ali; even with all my years of experience in this world I was equally matched with an anxiety to match.
THIS IS THE MOTHERBOARD - hell anyone who knew you by name, school, state, job can now re-enter (with permission of course) back into your life *sigh*
BUT the audience is great and vast with a reach to the masses; and I'm all about great things and reaching the masses...
So with that said it appears as though I will be tipping my toe back into the familar; which for you is probabaly old fasshion FBing but for me the begining of a new cyber chapter.
See you in Cyber land Kiddies!