Sunday, March 31, 2013

What Dreams May Come To My Immortal

What Dreams May Come - 

An all time favorite, a story that no matter how many times I have watched it I walk away with a different story, dimension and understanding of divine truths and the worlds we manifest!

My most recent go round had me stuck with the play of the genders and the outlook of life and love. They say women are from Venus and men Mars due to our usual uncommon way in which we perceive things, while no matter how close we come to seeing eye to eye there is usually a gap that leaves us just shy of sharing the same space of connecting as we should. 

As a women, filtering most of my world through an emotional filter whether I choose to or not the words "Until you tried to join me" almost ached to hear - 
The female species will almost always try and make her counterpart (male, female, friend, lover, or child) to understand her by joining her journey EMOTIONALLY, it is after all one of the first instincts inbreed within us
If by some chance we loose that battle or see that you cannot join this place of sensitivity, of knowing and being as we are @ the moment the gap usually grows larger, animosities and other emotions fester and the grand plan of the GREAT DISCONNECT has begun!

Within my community the GREAT DISCONNECT is like a plague that I feel is too large that I am not the only one to see; not only disconnecting partners, lovers and friends but most importantly families and children - children who then grow to believe this is the way of life, this is how you treat another, equating to a species who has no patience for love, or the common courtesy to walk in another man's shoes. 

As we continue both men and women to bare this earth my final plea would only be this - 

* Continue to share from a place of emotion and sensitivity (men/women) will find their common ground there.
* We are the evolution, everything we see, are and pass on - we make the future
* No matter your view always join that person you love in their journey as your own
* What's true in our minds IS TRUE - wheather some people know it or not!
* Sometimes when you win you LOOSE and sometimes when you loose you WIN... life is the journey that makes you

* There is nothing else in the place of love - be it and KNOW THIS!

"I tried everything nothing worked - 
Until you tried joining me"

To My Immortals - xox

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Early Capture


 of my "Infininte Tree" w/ detail-
I've added leaves and more detail since;
only adding when inspired to.                               
A pattern I've played with since I was young                             
Sharing with a friend recently inclined me to post -                   
You never know the circles you share until you share your journey

Saturday, March 2, 2013

It was written on the pyramid walls of
kemet & Kush, the stella’s of meroe and the scrolls of timbuktu knowledge of higher mathematics, science and the divine inspiration that, salvation is not in the sky or in the reverend. Salvation comes from within, its engrained in your essence written in your DNA records, since your ancestors and it always will. God will always manifests from within.
Have faith believe in yourself

Friday, March 1, 2013

Out with the old in with the BLU.


Have you ever realized how usually around that pre-tween age if not sooner we begin to give ourselves nicknames that we see best suited; extensions of names family and friends called us growing-up or something all together new... something we see and conjure up to represent us?

Now I'm not saying it's always the best suited names (my crew back in the day went by Yummi, Happi, Bones, Butt and a few other nicknames I smile/laugh at the thought today) none the less in a world with a loss of heritage and roots of ancestry I now see this as a right of passage if you will - 
a "Who you are or willing to become?
or even better an outward effect of what's already inside..

Over years without even knowing I have tried to live up or felt the name I prescribed to myself to be an extension of who I am - "BLU" being a faithful extension - now for sometime I didn't see it, understand or care to but you know how life has a way of revealing itself and you in the intrum.
Well life and I have been having an affair of revelations one in which has ushered in many truths and well "BLU" - is not an alter but an extension of my growth...

Blu's over the years::
* Asianblu
* Liquidblu
and ultimately where I am today "BLUBYDESIGN"
For those who know me a name is only as good as the image to represent it so enjoy the iconic and evolution  of "THE BLU"

Out with the old in with the BLU...